When the kids away ...Mom will play!
Well hello again…here we are and we are still here killing it aren’t we? It’s Sunday…just after 7pm and I might already be in my pajamas but I survived the weekend and I did it epically. This was my kids weekend with her dad and rather than sitting home, drunk, feeling sorry for myself and covered in cat hair; I decided I was going to take over the world (or at least knock a couple things off my to do list).
Friday started off throwing me some shade..I took it in stride and Saturday morning I woke up completed my first full work out in a few days and headed off to a local rod and gun club to take my bow hunting licensure course (ya know, the one I got super excited to take because of the really hot guy I was dating for the millisecond who bow hunted…yup.) Surprisingly, the day was totally empowering. Here I was, a single mom who had never shot a bow, in a predominantly male filled class and I was doing it and really enjoying it! Move over Robinhood, Mama’s got a bow!
After such a great day in the outdoors, I was feeling empowered and ready to take on the world, so what do I do, I agree to go on a date. What?!! Why?! The friend zone was invented for a reason and this guy is it. Remember the “crazy cat lady” I think she was on to something. My night ended with me practically pushing him out the door and finally collapsing on my bed in relief, ya know that same kind of relief you get when you kick of those high fashion heels that were just a tad-too-small but you wore them for 6 hours anyway because they had “red bottoms” or that feeling you get when you come home from work and take your bra off? (Aaahhhhhh) Yea that feeling. You with me?
Which brings me to today, Sunday. I woke determined to have a relaxing day to make up for the night prior but there is no holding me down…brunch with my girlfriend to catch up…a drive to the archery store to buy my new bow (Janie' might have a gun but Mamas got a bow) and I ended the day at Brooklyn Cider House listening to live music, breathing myself in and thinking to myself…you are a bad ass…you survived your weekend alone without adopting a dozen cats, passing out drunk, watching Dirty Dancing a dozen times or going to bed before the sunset each night. SUCCESS.