Soulmates..fact or fiction

There was once a time; long before the countless empty wine bottles, endless nights of binge watching Netflix with my cats and the multiple nightmare tinder dates that I, the confident-single as a dollar bill and not looking for change-Mama believed in soulmates. Ya know, that happily ever after stuff that all your non single friends talk about- that was my end game. But then reality hit at some point and everything changed.

The universe is notorious for throwing curve balls and ladies one of them is love; and not even the highest paid player in the MLB is hitting that one out of the park on his first time up at bat.

Love seems like it should be a simple concept. You aren’t supposed to have to think about it, you just are supposed to feel it. Sounds simple enough. Well, one day last March I “felt” it and it hit me like a freight train traveling at 90mph. It was that take your breath away- make it hard to speak-kind of love. How did I know, you non believers might be wondering. Welp, I knew it in my gut, in my heart and in my head that he was “the one.”

You have probably asked yourself at some point “are they the one.” You may even wonder if you are meant for each other…that soulmate thing. Some people believe that soulmates have known each other in many lives and always find their way back to one another. This concept can be comforting to someone who is searching for a love or someone who found and lost a love. The intensity and passion between soulmates can not be replicated.

Do I believe in soulmates? I believe that if it feels right, you have that “just know” gut feeling, you can be yourself and show vulnerability around them, can feel when they are hurting or in pain, you admire and challenge each other, you have intense chemistry and just being in each other’s company makes you feel calm-you might have found your “soulmate.”

I bet you are all wondering what happened to “Mr. Right.” All I can tell you is the universe had a different plan for us. That’s kind of where things got a little unclear for me about the “fairytale” ending.

It took me until very recently to realize that just because you get up to bat and miss the first swing, it doesn’t mean you are doomed for a loveless life. Maybe I’ll get it right with that guy in one of our “other” lifetimes



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