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The Single Girls Guide to Surviving February 14th

Ok Ladies, it’s that time of year again..Valentine’s day. The one day of the year where the hopeless romantic in me goes MIA-kinda like my ex husband when it came time to do the dinner dishes- and I become irrationally angry at love. Now don’t get me wrong, I love a good romance, and who doesn’t LOVE love? But if we are going to be honest, and I did promise I would be- being single on Valentine’s Day tends to kind of blow.
Now, before you go and ditch the wine for the whiskey- remember we are all in this together. Just because it feels as if the love and happiness in the world is magnified tenfold on February 14th doesn’t mean being single isn’t still great.
This year I’ll be spending Valentine’s Day solo and it will be way better than last year where I was receiving roses and dinner out from this really great “single” guy (no you aren’t misreading, no you don’t need glasses) WHO LEFT HIS WIFE and kids at home to do so! That was fun. YUCK. So, with no further ado..here’s my single girl’s guide to surviving Valentine’s Day:

#1 Treat Yourself!

This applies to everything and even the days leading up to February 14th. Do your thing girlfriend! Buy it! Eat it! Drink it! Make it worth it. Maybe soaking in a bath and drinking a cup of tea (who am I kidding..you know what I really meant was wine) is your thing..or dressing up and taking your fine ass out for a delicious meal solo makes you feel great..whatever it may be..your only goal is to make yourself feel special.

#2 Gather Your Girls

It’s not just for lovers anymore! Gather up all your girlfriends and head out on February 13th to celebrate Galentine’s Day. After all, these ladies are your true soulmates.

#3 Tell Your Family and Friends You Love Them

Long before we were single and dreading Valentine’s Day, we were excited children who would write out paper valentines and stuff them in boxes at school for all of our friends. Bring back that joy, send cards to your family and friends. Why should some dude just get your love?

#4 Snuggle Up with Netflix

Binge watch a girlie series and stock up on your favorite snacks. Look at it this way, you don’t have to justify your program choice and you don’t have to wait for anyone to watch the next episode either! Epic win!

#5 Buy Your Own Damn Flowers

Listen up girlfriend, this is the year 2020..stop waiting for some clueless dude to send you flowers and be your own hero. There is something about fresh cut flowers that just makes a girl smile.

#6 Don’t..and I repeat DONT Text Your Ex

This rule applies to your Ex, the guy you had a one night stand with last month, the guy who still likes all your IG photos and even the guy you text with that you are-just not that into. By February 15th these feelings will all be history and the world as you knew it will go back to normal- just hang on!

#7 Let Yourself Be Emotional

This might be my least favorite but everyone is entitled to 5 emotional minutes..but once those 5 minutes are up-BE GANGSTER

#8 It’s Just One Day

If all else fails, just remember ladies, it’s just one day and February 15th WILL come.
