Dirty Laundry After Divorce

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Excuse me..Can I Have Your Attention Please..

Let me first start by explaining my recent absence..please forgive me; I was busy having a full blown-isle five in Target- missed my nap time- my mama won’t buy me a toy- and I’m Hungry- MELT DOWN- that lasted almost two weeks. Unfortunately these sort of things can not be solved with a football carry and a threat of no television when you are a grown ass woman-you actually need to get your own ass up off the floor and carry on. If you have ever experienced a toddler tantrum or had one yourself, you are shaking your head right now and feeling me on a level only those who “know” can, and understand why it took me so long to get my shit together.
BUT- I have had my five emotional minutes and now it’s time to be gangster.

So why did my lip initially start to quiver as I walked down “isle five” that day- it could have been a number of things but I think it might have been the fact that I went to bed in two pairs of sweat pants, a long sleeve shirt and a hoodie-and I was still freezing. The heat to my second floor was not working and when I opened the door to the third floor I’m pretty sure I saw SNOW. And when you are already feeling some sort of way-tired, cold, overworked, stressed, your brain wants to throw you even more shit- so I laid there freezing my ass off and thought, DANG it sure would be nice if I had someone to cuddle when it was cold outside. And so-the lip started to quiver..and it all got pretty fuzzy after that.

Things at work began to pile up, my kids attitude grew by ten years, I was rear ended at a stop sign, an ex decided it was a good time to emotionally check me (this is something we will need to discuss how to avoid in a later blog ladies-think “NOT TODAY SATAN”) and between after school activities and homework..I was spent.
What did I learn from this two week vacation from my sanity? Self care is so important. We not only need to listen to our bodies when we are physically tired we need to be on high alert for signs of emotional exhaustion and have a plan put in place so that we don’t wake up on the floor of isle five wondering what in the world hit us and trying to salvage our dignity. But in the event you do need to have a mini melt down, always remember you are still bad ass and are entitled to five emotional minutes but then you need to be gangster.
