Dirty Laundry After Divorce

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Take Back The Holidays..(single again)

It’s officially just two weeks until Turkey day and unless someone knows Prince Charming and plans on sending him my way before Thanksgiving, it looks like I will be single for the holidays yet again. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have completely mastered the drunk, divorced Aunt at ALL the family get togethers and I always manage to be tons of fun at all the holiday parties despite; but there is something about the holidays that make it one of the toughest times of the year for single folk.

Before I whine about being single for the holidays- why it’s miserable and how everyone wants to know why you are still single each and every time you get together- I don’t know but thanks for the reminder Janet!- let me say this.. I truly love the holidays. Literally everything about them. The Thanksgiving Turkey carving-sweats pants wearing because you ate too much-Christmas decorating- holiday music playing-cookie baking-tree topping- Elf watching- you will shoot your eye out kid- eggnog drinking-fan of the holidays. What’s there not to love about this time of year?!

So if everything is so holly jolly from now until the big guy shoves his ass down the chimney why do single folk have a “blue Christmas?” There are all the obvious reasons- being the only single person surrounded by happy couples- the ridiculous amount of holiday ads that cater to that “special someone,” the numerous questions from family and friends about your non existent love life, and my personal favorite- wishing you had someone to snuggle with when it’s 15 degrees outside and you refuse to turn your heat up in an effort to save a dollar for all those Christmas presents you have to shop for and purchase all on your own.

If I really had to put a reason on why being single for the holidays sucks, I think it would be the fact that I don’t have anyone to share all the things I love about them with- I think that’s what really gets to us singletons during the MOST MAGICAL time of the year.
But here is the thing, I am by no means sitting around feeling sorry for myself and I sort of hate the idea that society just expects all single people to be sad or depressed during the holidays. There are definitely some perks to being single during the holidays, you just need to be open to seeing them! You get to choose exactly what you want to do when you want to do it, go to the parties you want to go to and you can listen to Christmas music the day after Halloween if you so choose!

So if you find that you will be single this holiday season, try not to fret-put on your oversized sweatpants-break out your ugly Christmas sweater- practice your dance moves and embrace the holiday spirit because your relationship status has nothing to do with the “reason for the season.”
